VTS & VTMIS System

About Vessel Traffic Services (VTS)
Managing traffic for marine routes is a task as difficult as it is important. Technicalities of this vessel traffic management are immense, which mean there is always a need for specialized services for the same.
Vessel traffic services deal with managing ship traffic on marine routes, suggesting best routes for a vessel and ensuring no two vessels run into each other on congested routes.
Successful ports and coastal authorities establish Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) to ensure the safe and efficient movement of vessel traffic through the port’s VTS area. Our VTS systems are scalable, integrated solutions that can expand as demand increases.
Importance of Vessel Traffic Services
Importance of Vessel Traffic services can be better understood from the functions it plays in managing ship traffic. The key importance of VTS is for managing vessel traffic. This further helps ensuring safety of ships, along with helping attain maximum traffic flow from any given route.
Maximum economic returns possible from a marine route can be realized only with help of these traffic services that keep important marine information available for all mariners at all times. It even helps in keeping a tab on movement of unauthorized cargo movements, making waters safer and more controlled. However, one of the most important roles of these services is to act as a vessel finder. The information gathered, stored and replayed by various sensors help in keeping a tab on movements of vessels at all time. This crucial marine information is available at all times and can be used to find a vessel if it goes missing.
Solutions We Offer
In JV partnership with KNL (Norway), ANL has developed expertise in establishing cost effective VTMS solutions. KNL operates VTMS as per IALA recommendation. We operate many VTMS in India as well as abroad.
ANL offers scalable & integrated solutions in compliance with IALA recommendation for setting up VTS fulfilling following features.
Basic – for VTS Information Service (INS) and/or Navigational Assistance Service (NAS)
Standard – for all types of VTS Service (Information Service, Navigational Assistance Service, and Traffic Organisation Service)
Advanced – For VTS operations with specific areas of high risk due to traffic density or navigational hazard(s).
We offer Turn-key, BOOT (Build, Own, Operate, Transfer) & BOT (Build, Own, Transfer) based solution which includes analyze, design, finance, commissioning, installation, maintenance and operation for featured VTS centre. ANL holds a proven experience for performing Up gradation, Integration & Replacement of existing VTS system utilizing state of art technologies and concepts recommended by IALA and IMO guidelines across the globe.
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