Blue Force- AIS

Blue Force (BF) is a common term for own units or friendly forces. The AIS 300BF is an enhanced version of the type approved AIS 300 class A mobile station, which also offers secure communication in addition to standard AIS functionality. In secure mode the AIS 300BF will still be able to detect all AIS mobile stations in its coverage area but it will not reveal its own position to any other than friendly forces.
The AIS 300BF is the 3rd generation secure AIS mobile stations from Kongsberg and is designed for integration with other navigation equipment such as ECDIS and radar. An improved receiver sensitivity of -115 dBm gives an increased range compared to units with the standard sensitivity of -107 dBm.
The AIS 300BF has three different modes:
1. Standard AIS class A mode
2. Receive only mode
3. Secure mode (encrypted)
In mode 1, the AIS unit will act as a standard AIS class A mobile station. In mode 2, the unit will only listen without any transmissions. In mode 3, it will encrypt transmitted AIS data, making the navigation data available for other Blue Force units only. In order to separate military AIS traffic from standard AIS traffic on the standard channel A and B frequencies, the military traffic can be accomplished on a configurable 3rd channel.
GPS position interface
With an AIS BF unit, the operator can select whether the external or internal GPS position shall be used. In a standard AIS unit, the external position will always be used unless it fails. In such situations, the internal GPS will be used.
Easy to install and maintain
The AIS 300BF is by default delivered with a bracket containing a solution for strain relief in both ends. Easy configuration via a built-in WEB user interface (UI). Software upgrade is supported via the WEB UI and USB interface. The AIS 300BF will sense if new software is available when a USB stick is inserted. The upgrade will automatically be fulfilled without interfering with the existing configuration. The latest software will continuously be available for download from a FTP server hosted by Kongsberg.
ECDIS, radar and sensor interface
The AIS 300BF is built for integration with ECDIS/radar. Interface to ECDIS and radar is provided via the Presentation Interface (PI) available on network or serial interface (RS-422). It is implicit that the system supports the AIS interface. When interfacing AIS to radar and chart systems, AIS target information such as position, heading course and speed becomes available to the mariner and increases reliability of received navigation data from other vessels. Decryption and encryption are both accomplished internally. Output is AIS raw data, making integration with ECDIS/radar easier.
• Three different modes
• Enhanced sensitivity
• Reception of all types of internationally approved AIS messages including but not restricted to, class A mobile, class B mobile, AtoN and AIS base station
• Three separate AIS channels
• Static data, dynamic data, voyage related data
• Safety related messaging
• Easy integration via network or serial interfaces
• Transmission of message 27 on SAT AIS frequencies
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